Development of AgriBio Leaders with an International Perspective

City University of Hong Kong to Fukuoka(Hong Kong, China)Kyushu University to Hong KongSTUDENT INTERVIEWMakiko SetoguchiFisheries Science,Animal Resources courseProgram Participation: 2014STUDENT INTERVIEWLAW Suet SumCity University of Hong KongDepartment of Physics andMaterials ScienceProgram participation: 2015inboundinboundoutboundoutboundⅣKyushu UniversityFaculty of AgricultureGlobal Human ResourcesDevelopment ProgramBilateral Exchange ProgramsDevelopment of a stronger and more dynamicinternational networkThis new program offers exchange of students with foreign universities, under cooperative agreements. It is aimed at fostering greater human and academic exchanges and strengthening the international network centered on Fukuoka. Students experience activities in international student acceptance, site visits and cultural experiences at foreign universities, mutual understanding through homestays, etc., to build closer friendship.Program year: from AY 2014 (inbound/outbound)Contents: Participation in special lectures, research to corporate & research organizations, historic & cultural experience tours, language learning & homestayParticipants: 20 inbound students & 10 outbound studentsparticipated in this exchange program because of my interest in Japanese culture. Most impressive was science and technology in Japan and the warmth of the people of Japan, which I found unforgettable. When comparing science and technology between Japan and Hong Kong, technology in Japan is distinguished for environment-friendliness and is what is most necessary in modern society. I was able to learn many things regarding the Japanese way of thinking that is representative of this environment awareness. Additionally, I found the faculty members, the students and the host family very kind, taking us out wherever they go. I was able to make friends with the Japanese people and learned many things about life in Fukuoka. Through this program, I was able to learn how the Japanese live and on how science and technology advances in the country and spent the most invaluable time here.Ibecame interested in international exchange when I participated in ALEP in my second year. However, that interest faded gradually as I engaged in University activities. It was at such time that news of study in Hong Kong, one of the major cities in the world, and network building through mutual exchange came and interested me. This prompted my decision to participate. The lectures at the City University of Hong Kong required students to “think, decide and act” on their own, which was difficult but also help me learn actively. Not only did I attend lectures with students in Hong Kong, we had meals together every day, and they guided us to different places. Although the program was only for 2 weeks, I was able to make very valuable friends, exceeding beyond the importance of creating a network between Japan and Hong Kong. Through the Program, I was able to see the broader horizons that I never knew in Japan and motivated me to want to work in areas where I can serve as a bridge between Japan and other countries. Quite naturally, I plan to work hard on my language skills and engage actively in exchanges with various people for my own self-development.I15


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