Laboratory of International Agricultural Development, Center for Promotion of International Education and Research, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu university

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Hisako Nomura

Senior Assistant Professor, Center for Promotion of International Education and Research, Faculty of Agriculture

Ph.D. in Development Policy and Administration, Institute for Development Policy and Management, University of Manchester, U.K.

2005.07-2005.12 Research Associate, Cathie Marsh Centre for Census and Survey Research, University of Manchester, U.K.

2006.11-2008.12 Research Associate, Cathie Marsh Centre for Census and Survey Research, University of Manchester, U.K.

2009.01-2010.03 Research Associate, Institute for Political and Economic Governance, University of Manchester, U.K.

The main focus of her research is to evolve research to derive evidence-based policy implications. The current research interest resides to research about the decision-making of both consumers and producers and how to promote sustainable use or practice of resource use and to adopt or not to adopt new agricultural technology and practice, in order to establish sustainable systems (mechanism) of them, and finally to provide evidence-based policy implication.

Research outline

In this laboratory, we undertake research of the following the themes

  • Low carbon societies and green infrastructure
  • Future risks and adaptation in floods and water shortage
  • Future risks and adaptation in food production and security
  • Future risks and adaptation in ecosystems

with development and gender perspectives;

with the application of stated preference methods and field experiment in the area of agriculture and resource use in development settings

Research projects

1. Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Policy Research Institute, collaborative research scheme commissioned research project

"RCT analysis on behavior change and policy measures of farmers, consumers, and citizens toward the construction of regional resource circulation-as an example of verification of the effect of technological improvement of concentrated organic liquid fertilizer-" (Joint Investigator)

2022.11 ~ 2023.03, PI: Mitsuyasu Yabe, Kyushu University.

Using RCTs, we will clarify how technologies and information related to these technologies and information will change the consciousness and behavior of farmers, consumers and citizens toward the sustainable circulation and utilization of local resources, and design and design policy making. Evaluate and derive policy implications. An application is made to the expansion of the use of methane fermentation digestive juice generated in the biogas production process.

2. Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research

"Establishment of methods for environmental and energy policy research using randomized controlled trials" (PI)

2017.04-2020.03 (3 years), 4,900,000 yen, PI: Hisako Nomura.

In this research, we aim to establish a method for field experiments using RCTs in the fields of agriculture, environment, and energy policy. Here, "field experiment" is a term that refers to an experiment conducted in the real world outside the laboratory, as opposed to a "lab experiment" conducted in a laboratory or a classroom, and is mainly used in economics. Then, based on the knowledge of the research practice by the method conducted overseas, the establishment of the guideline for the utilization of the practice of the research method using RCT in the field of agriculture, environment and energy policy, and the empirical type using it. The purpose of the research is to evolve policy research.

3. 2018 Sumitomo Foundation Environmental Research Grant

"Regression discontinuity design analysis and natural experiment evaluation of general waste weight reduction effect by introducing kitchen waste separation" (PI)

2018.11-2021.10 (2 years), 4,400,000 yen, PI: Hisako Nomura.

The purpose of this research is to make an economic evaluation of the kitchen waste separation business and to contribute to the institutional planning of other regions as a recycling-oriented social model. Specifically, the effect of reducing the amount of garbage will be economically evaluated using the natural experiment method using the data before and after the introduction of separate collection of kitchen waste in Miyama City, Fukuoka, where the new separation of kitchen waste has begun. In addition, we will verify the measures to promote the separation of food waste in field experiments using RCT.

4. JICA/JST Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development (SATREPS)

"Development and Dissemination of Sustainable Production System Based on Invasive Pest Management of Cassava in Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand," Joint Investigator

2016.04 ~ 2022.03, PI: Keishi Takasu, Kyushu University.

5. JICA/JST Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development (SATREPS)

“The Prevention and Control of Leptospirosis in the Philippines and Diagnosis Kit Development Project,” Joint Investigator

2010.04 〜 2015.03, PI: Shin-ichi Yoshida, Faculty of Medicine Sciences, Kyushu University.


Will join from October 2021
If you are interested, please send me your simple CV and a research plan.


  • Sein Mar, Hisako Nomura, Yoshifumi Takahashi, Kazuo Ogata, and Mitsuyasu Yabe (2018) Impact of Erratic Rainfall from Climate Change on Pulse Production Efficiency in Lower Myanmar. Sustainability, 10(2), 402.
  • Hisako Nomura, Peter C. John & Sarah Cotterill (2011) ‘The use of feedback to enhance environmental outcomes: a randomised controlled trial of a food waste scheme.’ Local Environment, 16:7, pp. 637-653. (with peer review)
  • For other publications, please refer LINK below.


Room 458,
Laboratory of International Agricultural Development Studies
Center for Promotion of International Education and Research
Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University
744, Motooka Nishi-ku, Fukuoka 819-0395 Japan
E-mail: hnomura (at)