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1) Hiraki E, Furuta S, Kuwahara R, Takemoto N, Nagata T, Akasaka T, Shirouchi B, Sato M, Ohnuki K, Shimizu K.
 Anti-obesity activity of Yamabushitake (Hericium erinaceus) powder in ovariectomized mice, and its potentially active compounds.
 J Nat Med, 71(3):482-491, doi: 10.1007/s11418-017-1075-8., (2017).

2) Kurotani K, Sato M, Yasuda K, Kashima K, Tanaka S, Hayashi T, Shirouchi B, Akter S, Kashino I, Hayabuchi H, Mizoue T.
 Even- and odd-chain saturated fatty acids in serum phospholipids are differentially associated with adipokines.
 PLoS One, 12(5):e0178192, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0178192., (2017).

3) Matsuoka R, Shirouchi B, Umegatani M, Fukuda M, Muto A, Masuda Y, Kunou M, Sato M.
 Dietary egg-white protein increases body protein mass and reduces body fat mass through an acceleration of hepatic beta-oxidation in rats.
 Br J Nutr, 118(6), 423-430, 2017.

4) Kimura Y, Yasuda K, Kurotani K, Akter S, Kashino I, Hayabuchi H, Sato M, Mizoue T
 Circulating ferritin concentrations are differentially associated with serum adipokine concentrations in Japanese men and premenopausal women.
 Eur J Nutr, 58(8), 2497-2505, 2017.

5) Akter S, Kurotani K, Sato M, Hayashi T, Kuwahara K, Matsushita Y, Nakagawa T, Konishi M, Honda T, Yamamoto S, Hayashi T, Noda M, Mizoue T
 High Serum Phospholipid Dihomo-γ-Linoleic Acid Concentration and Low Δ5-Desaturase Activity Are Associated with Increased Risk of Type 2 Diabetes among Japanese Adults in the Hitachi Health Study.
 J Nutr, 147(8), 1558-1566, 2017.



1) 宮後元徳、佐藤匡央
 オレオサイエンス, 17(11), 578-583, 2017.