Faculty of Agriculture Kyushu University
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Creating a Promotive Center for International Education and Research of Agriculture

In emerging Southeast Asian countries, water and soil quality deterioration and other environmental problems related to agriculture-forestry-fishery production infrastructure have grown more serious due to rapid population growth and economic development. Sea level elevation and precipitation changes accompanying climate change and global warming have also become serious problems that threaten stable production. While the expansion of food production is urgently required for poverty reduction and food security in the world, the situation is growing even more serious. At the same time, biodiversity loss has become a serious issue. Genetic diversity loss for crops and farm animals has also become a major issue through the expanded adoption of high-yield varieties for boosting food output. The world is thus urgently required to balance biological production expansion and environment and biodiversity conservation. However, science and technology levels in many developing countries are not high enough to solve these challenges. The assistance of Japan and other developed countries is urgently required. While Japan has seen production infrastructure deterioration in rural regions in the postwar period, Southeast Asian emerging countries have recently begun to rapidly experience a similar phenomenon accompanied by water and soil environment deterioration due to climate change and global warming. Given that an urgent challenge is to conserve the water and soil environment as life infrastructure while maintaining high productivity, the Faculty of Agriculture will enhance global research in full cooperation with overseas universities, building on its accumulated research achievements. The planned Promotive Center for International Education and Research of Agriculture will play a central role in this initiative.

  1. Agriculture Production Unit
  2. Tropical Microbiology Unit
  3. Agro-production and Environmental Conservation Unit
  4. Agricultural and Rural Development Economics Unit
  5. International Relations Unit