Faculty of Agriculture Kyushu University
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For Activation Reform (1) to create the Promotive Center for International Education and Research of Agriculture, the five units' leaders have worked out their respective organizations and operations for the next five years.
Activation Reform (2) to reorganize the Institute of Tropical Agriculture has been approved by two relevant organizations -- the Faculty of Agriculture and the Graduate School of Social and Cultural Studies.
On Activation Reform (3) to open the Vietnam satellite campus of Kyushu University's Faculty of Agriculture, the Hanoi University of Agriculture rector and the Faculty of Agriculture dean have held several meetings for preliminary negotiations and signed an agreement to have intensive negotiations on details by May 2013.
As the FY2012 global human resources development promotion project (Special Type B) has been adopted as requested by Kyushu University, the Vietnam satellite campus will be used as one of lecture sites for an international teacher team's science program to solve the most important unsolved problems involving Japanese and ASEAN agriculture under the project (as outlined by Figure 4). At present, preparations are underway for opening the program in the summer of 2013.

Figure 4 Outline of the adopted global human resources development promotion project (special type): The problem-solving science program will be implemented at European, American and ASEAN universities (including Hanoi University of Agriculture) with which Kyushu University have concluded student exchange agreements
  • 九州大学農学部国際コース学生:International course students at Kyushu University School of Agriculture
  • 九州大学農学部一般コース学生:Ordinary course students at Kyushu University School of Agriculture
  • 再チャレンジ:Challenging again
  • G30農学部生物資源環境学科国際コースクラス共有志願学生:
    • Students aspiring to attend classes for the Global 30 International Course, Department of Bioresource and Bioenvironment, School of Agriculture
  • 英語プレイスメントテスト:English placement test
  • 不合格:Rejected
  • 英語基礎力強化プログラム:Basic English skill enhancing program
  • クラス共有:Attending both international and ordinary course classes
  • 合格:Accepted
  • 農学部生物資源学科国際コースカリキュラム:
    • Curricula for the International Course, Department of Bioresource and Bioenvironment, School of Agriculture
  • 受講:Attending classes
  • クラス共有許可一般学生:Ordinary course students allowed to participate in international course classes
  • 受講:Attending classes
  • 農学部生物資源環境学科一般コースカリキュラム:
    • Curricula for ordinary courses, Department of Bioresource and Bioenvironment, School of Agriculture
  • 受講(クラス共有):Attending international course classes
  • 特別選抜:Special selection
  • 環境科学:Environment science
  • 国際開発:International development
  • 生物資源:Bioresources
  • バイオテクノロジー:Biotechnology
  • フードシステム:Food system
  • 問題解決の科学プログラム:Problem-solving science program
  • ディベート:Debate
  • レポート作成:Preparing reports
  • 異文化理解:Cross-cultural understanding
  • グローバル展開汎用技能プログラム:Universal global business skill program
  • プレゼン技術:Presentation skill
  • クラス共有許可特別選抜学生:Special selected students allowed to attend international course classes
  • GRE, TOEFLスコアアップ特別プログラム:Special program for higher GRE and TOEFL scores
  • 海外大学院キャリアパス:Career path to overseas graduate schools
  • 国際的視野を持ったアグリバイオリーダー:Agri-bio leaders with international views
  • 構想の特徴:Project features
  • (1)クラス共有による国際コースカリキュラムとの単位互換:
    • (1) Attending international course classes to make credits interchangeable between international and ordinary course curricula
  • (2)共通コースカリキュラムの設定・拡大:
    • (2) Establishing and expanding common curricula between international and ordinary courses
  • (3)英語力強化・英語基礎力強化プログラムの実施:
    • (3) Implementing a program to enhance basic and advanced English skills
  • (4)グローバル展開汎用技能プログラムの実施:
    • (4) Implementing a program to develop universal global business skills
  • (5)問題解決の科学プログラムの実施
    • (5)
  • (6)GRE,TOEFLスコアアップ特別プログラムの実施
    • Implementing a special program for higher GRE and TOEFL scores

Increasing international education units

Objectives and expected effects
Kyushu University's proposal for "building a basic education faculty to explore a new bachelor program education model" was adopted in FY2012 as one of the MEXT national university reform enhancement promotion subsidy projects to contribute to nurturing future-supporting human resources, advancing university management and enhancing international competitiveness through the promotion of unprecedentedly deep and fast national university reforms including the reorganization of education and research organizations, the expanded recruitment of foreigners and experts as teachers and university managers, the creation of region-by-region or function-by-function university associations and the standardization of operational procedures for efficient university management to revitalize Japan.
The adopted proposal for "building a basic education faculty to explore new bachelor program education models" envisages that we will develop curricula going beyond the traditional liberal arts education framework and an organization (faculty of arts and science) for the curricula to provide a system for nurturing lifetime active learners and propose a forerunning bachelor education program reform model.
Arts and science education proposed as a bachelor education program reform model aims to achieve a full paradigm shift "from a passive learning style to an active learning style" or "from knowledge-oriented education to thinking power development" to reform curricula and teaching styles and switch from "learning challenges" to "learning through challenges," leading students to prepare to remain active learners over their lifetimes and become forerunners who create and rebuild new wisdom.
In order to nurture human resources who can well perform in a globalizing society, the proposal also aims to shift from "learning English" to "learning through English" and expand English education from a foreign language course into courses using English to improve foreign language literacy (reading, speaking, writing and presentation). At the same time, the proposal calls for developing new English education materials and for formulating and implementing curricula for improving overall English skills through the creation and provision of English preparation and learning materials to further promote the globalization of education. Finally, it seeks to create a school of international liberal studies (as named tentatively).
Meanwhile, we plan to take advantage of the FY2009-2013 Global 30 project adopted in FY2009 for promoting the development of networks for internationalizing the university (to launch relevant university-wide education and international bachelor courses for each major at the Engineering and Agriculture Faculties in October 2010. The first students for the international courses will be accepted in October 2010 and will graduate in September 2014.