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1) Tong LT, Fujimoto Y, Shimizu N, Tsukino M, Akasaka T, Kato Y, Iwamoto W, Shiratake S, Imaizumi K, Sato M.
 Rice α-globulin decreases serum cholesterol concentrations in rats fed a hypercholesterolemic diet and ameliorates atherosclerotic lesions in apolipoprotein E-deficient mice.
 Food Chem., 132(1), 194-200, (2012).

2) Poudel-Tandukar K, Sato M, Ejima Y, Nanri A, Matsushita Y, Imaizumi K, Mizoue T.
 Relationship of serum fatty acid composition and desaturase activity to C-reactive protein in Japanese men and women.
 Atherosclerosis, 220(2), 520-524, (2012).

3) Kimura Y, Sato M, Kurotani K, Nanri A, Kawai K, Kasai H, Imaizumi K, Mizoue T.
 PUFAs in serum cholesterol ester and oxidative DNA damage in Japanese men and women.
 Am J Clin Nutr., 95(5), 1209-1214, (2012).

4) Tsuruta Y, Nagao K, Shirouchi B, Nomura S, Tsuge K, Koganemaru K, Yanagita T.
 Effects of lotus root (the edible rhizome of Nelumbo nucifera) on the deveolopment of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in obese diabetic db/db mice.
 Biosci Biotechnol Biochem., 76(3), 462-466, (2012).

5) Inafuku M, Nagao K, Nomura S, Shirouchi B, Inoue N, Nagamori N, Nakayama H, Toda T, Yanagita T.
 Protective effects of fractional extracts from Panellus serotinus on non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in obese, diabetic db/db mice.
 Br J Nutr., 107(5), 639-646, (2012).

6) Kato M, Ito Y, Tanaka Y, Sato M, Imaizumi K, Inoue N, Ikeda I.
 SHRSP/Izm and WKY/NCrlCrlj Rats Having a Missense Mutation in Abcg5 Deposited Plant Sterols in the Body, but Did Not Change Their Biliary Secretion and Lymphatic Absorption-Comparison with Jcl:Wistar and WKY/Izm Rats.
 Biosci Biotechnol Biochem., 76(4), 660-664, (2012).

7) Iwamoto M, Imai K, Ohta H, Shirouchi B, Sato M.
 Supplementation of highly concentrated beta-cryptoxanthin in a satsuma mandarin beverage improves adipocytokine profiles in obese Japanese women.
 Lipids Health Dis., 11(1), 52, (2012).

8) Shirouchi B, Nakamura Y, Furukawa Y, Shiraishi A, Tomoyori H, Imaizumi K, Sato M.
 Ezetimibe inhibits lymphatic transport of esterified cholesterol but not free cholesterol in thoracic lymph duct-cannulated rats.
 Cardiovasc Drugs Ther., 26, 427-431, (2012).

9) Nanri A, Hayabuchi H, Ohta M, Sato M, Mishima N, Mizoue T.
 Serum Folate and Depressive Symptoms Among Japanese Men and Women: A Cross-Sectional and Prospective Study.
 Psychiatry Res., 200, 349-353, (2012).

10) Kurotani K, Sato M, Ejima Y, Nanri A, Yi S, Pham NM, Akter S, Poudel-Tandukar K, Kimura Y, Imaizumi K, Mizoue T.
 High levels of stearic acid, palmitoleic acid, and dihomo-γ-linolenic acid and low levels of linoleic acid in serum cholesterol ester are associated with high insulin resistance.
 Nutr Res., 32, 669-675, (2012).

11) Pham NM, Akter S, Kurotani K, Nanri A, Sato M, Hayabuchi H, Yasuda K, Mizoue T.
 Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D and markers of insulin resistance in a Japanese working population.
 Eur J Clin Nutr., 66, 1323-1328, (2012).

12) 丸居篤,水野谷航,中野豊,城内文吾,友永省三,清水邦義,泉清隆,堀江ちひろ
 日本暖地畜産学会報, 55, 177-180, (2012).


1) 城内文吾,中村有理,古川裕美子,友寄博子,今泉勝己,佐藤匡央
 脂質生化学研究, 54, 173-175, (2012) ISSN0285-1520.

2) 田中愛健,永尾晃治,佐藤匡央,今泉勝己
 脂質生化学研究, 54, 196-199, (2012) ISSN0285-1520.


1) 佐藤匡央,城内文吾
 オレオサイエンス, 12(3), 115-123, (2012).

2) 佐藤匡央,城内文吾(共著)
 ISBN978-4-621-08611-7, B5判, 704頁, (2012年12月).