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1) Shirouchi B, Albrecht E, Nuernberg G, Maak S, Olavanh S, Nakamura Y, Sato M, Gotoh T, Nuernberg K.
 Fatty acid profiles and adipogenic gene expression of various fat depots in Japanese Black and Holstein steers.
 Meat Sci, 96, 157-164, (2014).

2) Pham NM, Nanri A, Kochi T, Kuwahara K, Tsuruoka H, Kurotani K, Akter S, Kabe I, Sato M, Hayabuchi H, Mizoue T.
 Coffee and green tea consumption is associated with insulin resistance in Japanese adults.
 Metabolism, 63, 400-408, (2014).

3) Tanaka Y, Nagao K, Nakagiri H, Nagaso T, Iwasa Y, Mori H, Asahina M, Imaizumi K, Sato M.
 Unavailability of liver triacylglycerol increases serum cholesterol concentration induced by dietary cholesterol in exogenously hypercholesterolemic (ExHC) rats.
 Lipids Health Dis, 13, 19, (2014).

4) Ogawa A, Kadooka Y, Kato K, Shirouchi B, Sato M.
 Lactobacillus gasseri SBT2055 reduces postprandial and fasting serum non-esterified fatty acid levels in Japanese hypertriacylglycerolemic subjects.
 Lipids Health Dis, 13, 36, (2014).

5) Kurotani K, Sato M, Ejima Y, Kashima K, Nanri A, Pham NM, Kuwahara K, Mizoue T.
 Serum alpha-linolenic and linoleic acids are inversely associated with depressive symptoms in adults.
 e-SPEN Journal, 9, e7-e12, (2014).

6) Hori A, Kasai H, Kawai K, Nanri A, Sato M, Ohta M, Mizoue T.
 Coffee intake is associated with lower levels of oxidative DNA damage and decreasing body iron storage in healthy women.
 Nutr Cancer, 66, 964-969, (2014).

7) Akter S, Pham NM, Nanri A, Kurotani K, Kuwahara K, Jacka FN, Yasuda K, Sato M, Mizoue T.
 Association of serum leptin and ghrelin with depressive symptoms in a Japanese working population: a cross-sectional study.
 BMC Psychiatry, 14, 203, (2014).

8) Tan H, Furuta S, Nagata T, Ohnuki K, Akasaka T, Shirouchi B, Sato M, Kondo R, Shimizu K.
 Inhibitory effects of the leaves of loquat (Eriobotrya japonica) on bone mineral density loss in ovariectomized mice and osteoclast differentiation.
 J Agric Food Chem, 62, 836-841, (2014).

9) Matsuoka R, Shirouchi B, Kawamura S, Baba S, Shiratake S, Nagata K, Imaizumi K, Sato M.
 Dietary egg white protein inhibits lymphatic lipid transport in thoracic lymph duct-cannulated rats.
 J Agric Food Chem, 62, 10694-10700, (2014).



1) 城内文吾
 若手研究者紹介 生理的環境下における食事脂質の吸収評価
 オレオサイエンス (Oleoscience), 14, 158-162, (2014).

2) 田中翔士、佐藤匡央
 酸化コレステロールの生体内の存在とその意義 ー分子各論ー
 バイオインダストリー (BIOINDUSTRY), 9, 11-18, (2014).